Hacks to Get Rid of Dry, Chapped Lips
Chapped Lips are very common during winters and almost everyone is trying to find a solution to get rid of them. Even after keeping the lips moisturized with a lip balm and taking good care of your lips and skin in general, you might still end up struggling with dry, flaky lips.
Here are a few hacks that can help you get rid of chapped lips this winter and will also help you heal parched lips.
Petroleum Jelly All the Way!
Petroleum Jelly is known to be an all-purpose healer and is the simplest and cheapest product that you can stock up on. It helps nourish dry lips and also helps them stay moisturized throughout the day. A lip balm on top of it will also help heal the damage.
Exfoliation is the Key!
Exfoliation is the key to a lot of skin problems and it helps in fixing chapped lips too. But, while scrubbing your lips, you need to be sure that you keep it very very gentle and that too only twice a week. If you don’t your lips might start bleeding so keep a soft hand. You can even make a DIY lip scrub by mixing brown sugar and coconut oil. You may also add a little tint to it and some essential oils to make it more luxurious.
Aloe Vera, the Multi-Purpose Medicine
Be it chapped lips or dry skin, just make sure you apply Aloe Vera twice a day. This can work as the best natural medicine for the worst cases. Aloe Vera is packed with such properties which will help you smoothen your skin and your lips and make them more soft and supple.
Any Oil would do too
Oil-based balms help a lot. You can even create your own lip balm at home by using any oil that you like and some petroleum jelly. You can even dab a little bit of olive oil or coconut oil to chapped lips before you go to bed and you’ll wake up with softer lips. Will be a little messy but mess can be cleaned as long as the job gets done.
Honey is the star!
Apart from just using oil or moisturizer, honey also has some anti-inflammatory properties that helps soothe chapped lips. It’s thick and non sticky and incase you don’t like using it directly, you can create a home-made lip balm using honey.