Tips to Tame Oily Skin
What is Oily Skin?
Our skin has sebaceous glands underneath and when they produce too much sebum, the result in oily skin. Sebum is a natural waxy, oily substance that protects and hydrates the skin and is great to keep your skin healthy but too much sebum leads to oily skin, clogged pores and even acne. Oily skin has a shiny, greasy appearance with thick and rough texture and large pores too
How to Take Care of Oily Skin
In order to normalize your oily skin, you need to know how to tame it. Here are a few tips and tricks that’ll help you embrace your oily skin:
Cleansing is the Key
Cleansing surely is the key and not every cleanser is the same so you need to make sure the quality of your cleanser is good enough. Not focusing on the quality or skin type, a bad cleanser can make your skin flare up and worsen the situation. For oily skin, papaya extract works really great. It helps focus on the health of your skin and also helps in breaking down dead skin. So, if you’re able to find a papaya face wash, go for it!

Don’t let it burn
Having an oily skin makes you skin sunscreen thinking it’ll make the skin oilier but that isn’t the case. If you go out in the sun without any sunscreen, your skin will start having dark spots, discoloration, pigmentation and freckles. So, never skip this. Get a gel based sunscreen to make your skin look matte.

Oil isn’t bad
Not all oils are bad. Facial oils like Grape Fruit Oil, Tea Tree Oil and Ylang Ylang oil will help you improve your skin on so many levels instead of making it turn more oily.

The Plant Helps
Aloe Vera is that one ingredient everyone relies on for almost any skin type and any skin treatment. It has great effects on the skin and helps in healing too. Aloe Vera helps you tine down the extra oil from your skin, eliminates production of sebum and helps you keep it moisturized.

Play with Clay
Clay helps you get rid of stubborn blackheads. It helps you draw out all the impurities along with extra oil on the skin. There are clay masks and even charcoal clay masks that will help you eradicate the grease on your skin.

Blot it till you rock it
Blotting paper should always be a part of your vanity bag or your hand bag. Just dump a pack in your bag so you can blot your skin any time any where. This will save your from having your makeup ruined and making you look hideous. It will also help you do a few touchups.

Skip the hot sauce
Incase you did not know, oily skin worsens with the intake of spicy food. And this is not a myth. With less consumtion of spicy food and more consumption of food like carrots, cantaloupes and spinach, your skin will normalize and produce less oil.

Never skip a moisturizer
If you think a moisturizer will make your skin more oily, you are wrong. Because moisturizers keep your skin hydrated and hydration is very important if you want to eliminate the production of oil. If you do not moisturize, your skin sends signals that you need moisture and you end up producing more oil. Get an oil free, water based moisturizer for best results.

H2O matters
Drink as much water as you can. This will help you tame your oily skin on so many levels, will keep your skin hydrated and eradicate the production of oil or acne too.

Steam Up
Blackheads are a result of oily skin. So, in order to get rid of them, you can steam your face every once in a while. This will soften the sebum inside your pores and make it easier for you to clean your face.

Now that you’ve gone through all the tips and tricks to work it out with your oily skin, make sure to follow a proper skin care routine for oily skin. These will make a noticeable difference to your skin. Other than that, make sure you keep all the necessities with you in your vanity bag like blotting paper and translucent powder so blot away all the oil that appears out of the blue. We hope this blogpost helps you combat oily skin.
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