7 Funny Excuses to Get Out of Work

7 Funny Excuses to Get Out of Work

If you have a full-time, demanding job, then weekend is probably the only time you can unwind and relax. But, sometimes, you the mid-week crisis hit real hard and you feel like taking a break no matter how much you love your jobs.

Regular excuses like calling in sick is very mainstream. So, if you think your boss or manager is pretty chill and you wish to throw in some funny excuse to get off from work, here are a few ideas. Trust us, your boss will be pretty amused with these excuse and would not be able to say no it either.

1. I have misplaced my car key and can’t find it

If your boss is strict, he might just ask you get a cab but other than that, the only solution is to work from home 😉

2. I ate cat food and can’t stop throwing up.

This too is calling in sick but in a very funny manner that would leave your boss wondering why you chose to eat cat food.

3. My horoscope said I’ll die if I go out

Umm.. really?

4. I accidentally got on a plane and the pilot isn’t letting me go back

Who catches a plane that too accidentally? LOL! But that’s a funny way of letting your boss know you’re going on a mini vacation.

5. There’s a big lizard outside my door and I’m scared to go out.

They’ll have no other option but to allow you to stay at home!

6. I fell out of bed and broke my leg

Broken leg calls for a day off, right?

7. I thought it was Sunday

Sunday right in the middle of the week? Oh, well.

So, what excuse are you planning to give for not showing up to work?

Sadia Khan

Lead Content Producer at Daraz and a beauty influencer on Youtube. Addicted to Sushi, Travelling, and Chess. https://rb.gy/m0uxcl

1 Comment

  • i hate this

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