Iftaar Recipe Ideas for Amateurs
I’m terrible at cooking. I promise I’m not saying this in a ‘trying to be cool’ way. I genuinely do not know how to cook. This isn’t for a lack of trying. I was specifically told by my household to stop cooking because of the ingredients I was wasting on a regular basis.
So, this Ramadan is going to be my ‘Big Month of Redemption’.
Let’s get cooking.
Spaghetti Bolognese
Ok so here’s the trick to cooking anything. Start simple. So obviously I’m going to start with Bolognese because I don’t care about rules.
I’ve made Maggi noodles a few times so I know my way around spaghetti (I think). Plus, the recipe that my aunt gave me seems simple enough.
All you do is chop onions, throw them in a pot, add onions and carrots and garlic. Once they’re golden, add the mince and cook. Add tomato paste, stock and thyme. Once it looks cooked, add the boiled spaghetti. Mix well and season.
And here’s the best part. Top it with as much cheese as you can get your hands on. I’m not even exaggerating. My trick is to add so much cheese, no one will know how bad the actual dish is. So it’s a win-win situation.
Anda Ghotala
This is the best one yet. It seems it was created entirely on accident. I’ve made scrambled eggs without meaning to so many times.
All you need are 3-5 eggs, tomatoes, onions, green chilies, dhania, red chili flakes, salt, pepper and butter. Throw it all in a pan and go crazy with the stirring.
Once its cooked, serve it in a bowl and get parathas from the dhaba down the street because who are we kidding? (neither of us can make parathas).
Rooh Afza popsicles
Of course, one of these recipes had to be dessert and a cold one at that (Do you know how hard it is to stand at the stove in this summer?)
I found this amazing recipe online and I can’t wait to give this a shot.
Get some watermelon cubes, Rooh Afza, lemon juice and salt. Blend it together and pour it into molds. Just stick it in the freezer and you’re done. This recipe actually seems quite fool proof (even I couldn’t mess it up. Even though I’m sure I’ll find a way to.)