Introducing Ben & Jerry’s New Flavour: Netflix & Chill’d™

Introducing Ben & Jerry’s New Flavour: Netflix & Chill’d™

Are you a binge watcher and adore desserts? Then you’re in for a real treat! Ben & Jerry’s has introduced their new flavour, Netflix and Chilll’d, and yes, with an extra L!

The term, “Netflix and Chill” gained popularity in 2015 and has thus become a widely used term in the realms of internet among the youth.

Ben & Jerry’s seized this oppurtinty and gave “chill” with Netlflix a whole new definition. On their Twitter handle, Ben & Jerry’s introduced the flavour saying;

“With the perfect mix of peanut butter intrigue, pretzel drama, and fudge brownie belly laughs, NEW Netflix & Chilll’d™ pairs well with any of your Netflix programming.”

The flavour is going to a treat and a bunch of flavours mixed in to give that perfect binging snack!

Ben & Jerry’s Inc is an American ice cream manufacturing company that was founded in 1978 in Burlington, Vermont. More commonly known as Ben & Jerry’s, the ice cream brand has been popular in the retail for not just their ice creams but also frozen yogurt, and sorbet. It was sold in 2000 to Unilever.

Sadia Khan

Lead Content Producer at Daraz and a beauty influencer on Youtube. Addicted to Sushi, Travelling, and Chess.

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