The Lazy Girl’s Guide To Getting Fit

The Lazy Girl’s Guide To Getting Fit

Can’t seem to get off the couch these days? Does your busy work schedule not allow you to hit the gym? Stop with the excuses and follow these tricks to make working out a habit and stay fit in the long term.

We’ve combined a list of hacks which even the ultimate lazy girl can pull off with minimal effort!

Invest in a stylish workout outfit for motivation

The motto ‘dress for success’ is definitely applicable in the world of fitness as well. It has been scientifically proved that throwing on your favorite graphic t-shirt helps you get into character and perform your best. So don’t feel guilty investing in some fun workout gear!

A pair of dumbbells and a yoga mat is essential

If you’re unable to head out for any reason, these are the only tangibles you need to get started. Find a quiet and comfortable place to exercise, find the right workout routine and you’ll be in shape in no time.

Stay hydrated with a cute water bottle

There’s nothing like a cute water bottle to keep you hydrated throughout the day. If you’re one of those people who only remember to drink water once the day is over, invest in your favorite water bottle and keep sipping through the day!

Find your fitness squad

The laughs, high fives and words of encouragement which you’ll receive from your workout buddies is sure to get you through any grinding workout. Plus there will be someone to make sure your lazy self is off the couch and make sure you make it to your training every time.

Multitask the mundane

You can always sneak in some exercise into your daily routine. Take the stairs on the way up to your office, take a round around your office or look into some desk exercises to make sure you’re always active even during the most boring days!

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Sadia Khan

Lead Content Producer at Daraz and a beauty influencer on Youtube. Addicted to Sushi, Travelling, and Chess.

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