Here’s How You Can Safely Get Used to Office Again!

Here’s How You Can Safely Get Used to Office Again!

After working from home for so many months, returning to office can prove to be a challenge. If you can relate, don’t worry because you’re not alone.

We, at Daraz Life, want to help make this transition as smooth and safe as possible. So, here are some tips and suggestions that you should find useful:

Don’t Forget Your Face Mask

It’s important to remember that the pandemic is NOT over yet. It’s still going on and safety is still important. Hence, it’s crucial that you wear a face mask to work and that you keep it on all the while you’re there. This will not only keep you safe but will also protect others from any potential harm from you!

Maintain Social Distance

You’ve probably heard enough of this, but to be honest, we can’t say this enough – maintain distance! No matter how sure you are that the other person is Covid-negative, caution is still important. Your precaution will play a bigger role in the bigger picture of minimizing the local transmission!

Improve Ventilation

There’s a simple way you can improve ventilation at work – open doors and windows. Closed doors keep the same air in the room, thus accumulating dust, dirt and germs. Keeping them open will allow the air to pass and move around, carrying away any viral particles.

Don’t Use the Washroom Right After Someone

You don’t want to go to the bathroom immediately after someone used it. It’s better to wait for a bit and then go. Also keep the exhaust fan running and put down the lid before flushing the toilet. These are all safety measures that can help contain the spread.

Feel Personal Responsibility

If you, or anyone you’ve met or anyone around you, has been sick or is feeling sick – don’t go to the office. God willing, you’ll be fine but this is so important for everyone’s safety. We all need to feel the personal responsibility of each other’s safety. One careless move by a sick person can jeopardize the safety of everyone else.

With these tips to guide you, you should be able to comfortably get back to work whilst keeping safe!

Sadia Khan

Lead Content Producer at Daraz and a beauty influencer on Youtube. Addicted to Sushi, Travelling, and Chess.

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