The Ultimate Shoe Buying Guide for Men
Footwear is one thing that a person should care about not only because it’s the first thing that comes into notice but also because it constitutes the foundation he stands upon. Shoes absorb your force of weight and a bad choice of shoe at some particular occasion can lead to discomfort and then eventually some injury. So, you can never compromise on good quality, proper fit and comfort.
Other than that, appearance is also something that gets affected by the shoe you wear. Clothing is important but shoes do grab a lot of attention and this is the point where you get judged the most. A bad shoe can ruin your entire look and image as well.
Your goals of having both, functional and stylish shoes and that too the right pair for the right occasion, will be achieved by this shoe buying guide. Choose the perfect pair for yourself and avail discounts on the Daraz 11.11 Sale!
If you wish to buy any of the products, just click on them.
Flip Flops & Slippers
Flip Flops and Slippers are all about comfort. You can hangout in these without hurting the foot. They work really well with Shalwar Kameez and sometimes even jeans etc.
Talking about comfort, slides always take the cake. They are soft, they are rubbery and they are super duper comfortable. Wear them on shorts or jeans or even to a casual, non-athletic walk, and your feet will thank you. You can even wear them to the beach without the fear of having them ruined.
Sneakers are quite universal and work great on casual dressing. They come in a wide range of colors and styles and suit well on jeans, chinos and even shorts.
Slip-ons or loafers are heavy rubber soles and are great for casual and semi-formal wear. So, basically they are a cross between sneakers and dress shoes. They are also really comfortable to wear.
Formal Shoes
Formal Shoes can be a challenge. Here’s where you actually need to up your game and look smart. These will be your go-to pair for work, weddings or any special occasion!
Peshawari Chappal
You are not a true Pakistani if you do not own a pair of these. These Peshawari Chappals will be a great addition to your wardrobe and will always looks great with Shalwar Kameez or any eastern clothing. You can wear it casually as well as formally.
Training Shoes
Going to the gym? Or playing Soccer or Football? Training shoes are the most important! They will help protect your shoes from any sort of damage while you workout and play and they’ll also help you run well.
Were you able to pick a shoe of your choice? Find a Shoe Buying Guide for Women too!