What are Epilators and Do They Work Better Than Waxing?
If you’re into hair removal (and if you’re not, more power to you), then you know how annoying it is to keep staying on track with it. We all dread the process of removing hair but when it’s all over and our skin is all smooth, it’s worth it.
Hair growth can be a nuisance, especially when you know that managing those grooming sessions take so much time. Women all around keep looking for better ways and methods of hair removal. From age old traditions like sugaring, shaving, fruit waxing, they’ve done it all!
More recently, epilators have been the buzz when it comes to hair removal. Particularly, to those women who run though a busy schedule and can’t often make time for those long waxing appointments. One might say shaving can be their solution, but let’s be honest, shaving only trims the hair from top leaving a little brown/green hue behind that looks awful. Especially when you spent a hour in the bathroom grooming yourself, only to find a rough and shaggy texture the next day!
This makes women opt for waxing or sugaring, so if you’re one of those people then, an epilator is your answer and savior. However, when there’s already so many options available, it’s natural to have second thoughts about switching to a different grooming product, especially when it’s a gadget that looks a little scary.
Epilators don’t get much recognition because a lot of women are still reluctant to use it and prefer sticking to conventional methods. This is the case because most women still aren’t familiar with epilators and don’t know much about them. So, we’re here to enlighten you folks.
Waxing has been our choice for a long while now but we gotta keep up with time. Epilators are the new trend!
What is an Epilator?
An epilator is an electrical gadget that removes hair by its built-in tweezer like edges. It simultaneously pulls out hair. Just like waxing, the epilator removes hair from its roots.
The best thing about an epilator is that, unlike waxing, your outer layer of the skin does not get burnt or abraded. The epilator can be used weekly as it is designed to also pick those hard-to-get newly grown hairs.
So, if you have sensitive skin that reacts to other hair removing methods or if you can’t wait for a full growth to get waxing done, then epilators can be what you’re looking for.
How to use an Epilator?
As an epilator, like waxing, removes hair from its roots, you can expect a little bit of pain (depending on your tolerance level!) There are two types of epilators: ones that are designed for dry skin and the other designed to be used on wet skin. They can be used on arms, legs, underarms, pubic area and some epilators are even designed for facial hair!
You can begin using an epilator directly on your skin by keeping it in a 90-degree position and placing it against your skin and gently move it in the direction of the hair growth. Unlike waxing, if you move the epilator against your hair growth direction, you will only remove the hair on your body from the edge instead of plucking it from the root. Be sure to not press the device too hard on your skin to avoid cuts and discomfort. If your hair are not fully grown, you can opt for epilators that are especially designed for small grown hairs .
If you’re new to this method of hair removal, it’s important that you follow this tips first:
- Read the instructions given on the epilator before using it on your skin. You should also check the voltage levels it requires and the attachment that come up with it.
- If you’re trying it for the first time, its best that you run a trial test on your arm or on the least painful area.
- Be sure to exfoliate your skin before using an epilator so you can target ingrown hair as well.
- After epilation, you will notice redness so it’s best to use at least 4,5 hours before an event.
- Make sure to moisturize after using an epilator to maintain smoothness and avoid dryness.
Are Epilators Better Than Waxing?
We all need alternatives. Waxing is usually the preferred method of hair removal but let’s face, waxing is not everyone’s cup of tea especially when you have to rely on another person to do the torturing.
To breakdown if epilators are actually better than waxing, we’ve compared the two together in terms of convenience, cost, and effectiveness.
Epilators hands down win this round. Waxing is messy, sticky and you need a separate space to prepare waxing. An epilator is sort of like an electric razor that you can take anywhere with you and get down with the hair removing business.
Ease of Use:
Waxing is easy to do yourself when it’s just basic front parts of your body, hence, it is always preferable that somebody else does your waxing..unless you’re a yoga expert and super flexible. An epilator weighs the same here as well, but compared to waxing, it’s easier because the hair gets automatically plucked out instead of the usual yanking or pulling of a strip.
A good epilator can be expensive but think of it as this way, it’s a one time investment. Waxing is a monthly or sometimes twice a month expense. A decent ranged epilator can last you for about good 2,3 years depending how good you take care of it and the only expense would be the electricity bill or batteries.
This round would be a tie. Both the epilator and waxing focuses on the same thing, removing hair from the roots. So, it depends how often you prefer to clean your hair to measure the effectiveness.
This is probably the only con of the epilator, since waxing is relatively faster as it pulls out hair with one strong pull of the strip, you can feel the hair being plucked one by one with the epilator. So, the pain is relatively higher. You can however, mitigate the pain through taking proper measures prehand.
So, the verdict here is that..it’s true, epilators do have more benefits and convenience than waxing. So let us know if you’re willing to switch or would stick to the traditional waxing!
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Cost of epilator(range)