What Hobby Should You Take Up Based on Your Personality?

What Hobby Should You Take Up Based on Your Personality?

We’re sure that you spending so much time at home must be getting a little exhausting. Well, that’s okay. You’re not alone, and what matters most right now is that we do what it takes to let the world heal!

And while we’re at it, it seems to us like this is the time to take up all those activities that we plan to do, but never get around to really doing them. All those hobbies that you wish you had more time for are waiting for you to pick them up!

What’s more is that you can use these days and this time to do things that are productive and that make you happy!

Here’s quiz to help you find out which productive hobby would be best for you!

What's your go-to outfit of the day?
All I need is a pair of jeans and a shirt to go with it.
What outfit? I don't get out of my PJs unless necessary!
I'll have to find a perfectly matched outfit with proper shoes to go with it.
Anything goes, as long as I have a nice overcoat to cover to go on top!
How organized do you think you are?
I may not seem organized, but i know exactly where everything is!
I'm obsessed with organization. Everything should be in it's dedicated spot, and nowhere else!
I'm somewhere in the middle - neither too organized, nor too messy.
Trying to be too organized interferes with creativity! I like messy!



Which of the following living rooms would you like for your house?



Which of the following food dishes do you like best?
Pasta forever!
Nothing like a spicy Biryani!
I can survive on potato chips all day!
Pizza is life!



What kind of physical exercise do you do daily?
I hit the gym thrice every week!
Walking from one room to another is also exercise, right?
I like to go for a run as often as possible
Yoga, every now and then.



Select the emoji that feels most like your constant mood?



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What Productive Hobby is Best for You?

I'm %%personality%%


But I'm also %%personality%%



Sadia Khan

Lead Content Producer at Daraz and a beauty influencer on Youtube. Addicted to Sushi, Travelling, and Chess. https://rb.gy/m0uxcl

1 Comment

  • ya i once wrotea story and i won prize in talem o tarbiat magzine i like writing…..exact thing…

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