Get Ready for Shopper-tainment with Daraz Live!

Get Ready for Shopper-tainment with Daraz Live!

Immerse into the future of online shopping as Daraz introduces Daraz Live, Pakistan’s first-ever In-App live stream shopping that combines entertainment with instant purchasing!

Daraz Live is an innovative method to enhance the shopping experience for Daraz shoppers as it connects users with hosts and retailers. It is a blend of entertainment, product discovery, instant purchasing, and live offers from top brands in Pakistan. Daraz Live is also a great opportunity for those who are seeking to make the most of digital platforms as it promotes an innovative method of purchasing the exact products you want after looking at them live through the video stream.

Not only this, but you can also stay updated with the latest shopping trends, weekly top-picks by Daraz, catch morning shows, news and updates and enjoy live fashion tips with what’s new in fashion and beauty products. Plus, there’s much more!

What is Daraz Live?

Unlike the Live videos by Daraz that streams on Facebook, Daraz Live is an exclusive Daraz App feature that allows viewers to watch and shop at the same time.

Daraz Live features 720 minutes of non-stop shoppertainment for users and has Live shows produced by in-house by Daraz Studious to make live shopping easy and fun for all.   

In order to make the most of the interactive, “see now, buy now” user experience, Daraz Live has exciting features that make in-stream shopping in Pakistan better than ever. With Daraz Live you can get:

  • Live updates about new products and promotions
  • Allowing shoppers to interact with hosts, sellers, and celebrities live.
  • Save more with Daraz Live vouchers by stores that are redeemable through the Daraz Live Videos
  • Get numerous chances to win exciting gifts and rewards with daily give-aways every day on Daraz Live

Also Read: How to Use Voucher Codes on Daraz?

 Moreover, Daraz Live is also a great opportunity for online sellers to promote their products, conduct live stream selling, and be featured in the Daraz Live videos. They can engage with their sellers and answer their queries about the products and also showcase their top-rated products for better sales.

So, if you’re an entrepreneur or aspiring digital influencer, it is your time to make the most of Pakistan’s live stream shopping by Daraz by connecting with your dedicated customers and increase your brand exposure!

How to Watch Daraz Live Video?

Want to be a part of this future of e-commerce shopping but not sure how to? Worry not, to watch Daraz Live videos, all you need is the Daraz App with which you can be redirected to the Daraz Live Streaming channel and access all the live videos, stay up-to-date with the upcoming videos, and also replay previous live videos as well!

Here’s how to watch Daraz Live Videos

  • Open the Daraz App
  • Click on the “Daraz Live” icon as below
  • After clicking the icon, you’ll be redirected to the Daraz Live page where you can watch all videos and catch all the upcoming videos as well

Tune in to the Daraz App and catch all the Live videos every Monday to Sunday 10 AM to 6PM.

Want to know when your favorite host will be live on-screen on the Daraz App? Head over to the Daraz Live Show Schedule and stay updated on what Daraz Live has in store for you!

So, what are you waiting for? Download the Daraz App now by scanning the QR code below and engage into the world of shoppertainment with Daraz Live!

Now also watch T20 Live Cricket Streaming on Daraz Live for free!

Enjoy T20 cricket world cup this season with Daraz! Play our T20 World Cup quiz to test your knowledge on the tournament and catch all T20 World up news and updates on our Daraz blog!

Sadia Khan

Lead Content Producer at Daraz and a beauty influencer on Youtube. Addicted to Sushi, Travelling, and Chess.

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